Viral is a public health podcast for both public health nerds and the general public originally created by Linsey Grove and Quinn Lundquist in 2017 and now cohosted by Linsey and Megan Albertson. Public health consists of too many topics and professionals to name–but we’re going to try to cover it all. From baby bottle tooth decay to social justice, we will discuss the historical context, cultural relevance, and current connections to each topic while interviewing our colleagues in the field. You don’t have to work in public health to appreciate its quirky, omniscient existence. Welcome to Viral.
Podcast Topics will include (but are not limited to):
Quinn Lundquist, MPH, CPH, has worked in public health for five years. After receiving his MPH, he served as a policy and communications fellow at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. He is currently employed at the best job ever: stay-at-home dad. Quinn also provides public health and writing consultation. He is a history nerd, has three dogs, and spends his free time drinking too much coffee while listening to Tom Waits.
Linsey Grove, DrPH, MPH, CPH is a nonprofit and public health consultant. She has worked in nonprofit capacity building and public health for over 15 years and graduated with a Doctorate in Public Health from the University of South Florida in 2018. She is obsessed with science, great design, and public health communication. When she is not rock climbing, she enjoys reading, advocating for comprehensive sex education, and taking pictures of her cats.
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Podcast Episodes
Cups of Coffee
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You can do all of this via our contact form. But most importantly: please keep listening and telling your friends!
Ice, Ice, baby! We’re talking about how ice changed the world and public health! References: Ice: From Mixed Drinks to Skating Rims — A Cool History of a Hot Commodity Engineered by Dreamstate Productions Music by Michael Conrad
Get your tin foil hats on! We’re talking about the history of institutional mistrust in public health and how it impacts today’s issues. References: Killing the Black Body by Dorothy Roberts Engineered by Dreamstate Productions Music by Michael Conrad
Join us for our final episode about anti-fat stigma! We interview and kiki with Christine Byrne (she/her), MPH, RD, LDN, a non-diet dietitian nutritionist, longtime journalist, and the founder of Ruby Oak Nutrition. She specializes in nutrition counseling for eating disorders and loves working with college students and adults. Content warning: we do talk about disordered…