Love your weekends? We do too! But we haven’t always had weekends, minimum wage, and child labor laws; the Labor Movement changed all of that. We talk about the history of the Labor Movement and how it has impacted Public Health. Black Lung Disease Article: The Jungle: Viral is written and produced by Linsey Grove…
Quinn and Linsey catch up on current events, news, and how to feel during this crazy moment in history. Viral is written and produced by Linsey Grove and Quinn Lundquist. Our theme is “Take Your Medicine” by the Quick and Easy Boys. Visit us at for more information.
On March 30th, 2017, we sat down with Roy Grant, associate editor at the American Journal of Public Health, to talk about the Affordable Care Act and its impact on public health. We also explored current policy proposals for its replacement as well as how we, as scientists, can be better communicators to policymakers and…
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